At the slightest provocation
You sprout out, soft, tender, and innocent
Before a sense of shyness
Creeps in
On your fertile land
Gradually, you become visible
Standing against all odds
From afar you are visible
you distinguish your fertile plains
From your brothers plains
Soon the harvesting will start
Not without a season of planting
Your tenderness
The irresistible bait
Your shy land
A naff in your absence
Denying you freedom
To bask in the plains
With fear of intrigue
And the unending intimidation
Amazingly you got strengths
That makes the brethren salivate
Droll oozing from corners
Of their lustful lips
That's the intensity of your grip
Emotions overwhelming
Temperatures escalating
Spurious glances
Only after your mention
A measure of your might
Who exactly hates seeing you
The paupers or the opulent
Spirit chasers or the priests
Black, white or yellow
You are simply the same
Your jinx immeasurable
Just who detests you?
Who would dare fondle your volume
Without hurting their emotions
Just who?
A cassock you are
To the tender and young
Your crater oozes goodness
The young and elderly crave to feel you
Your texture an oasis of bodily hope
Waking up other bodily faculties
Both within and without
Who says you are bad?
A bond of the past
A tablet of memoirs
Good and bad
Bad and good
Ooh great twin towers
Don't come down yet
Rise and rise
twin towers
twin towers

twin towers
twin towers

twin towers
twin towers

twin towers
twin towers

twin towers
twin towers

twin towers
twin towers

twin towers
twin towers

twin towers
twin towers

twin towers
twin towers

twin towers
twin towers

twin towers
twin towers

twin towers
twin towers

twin towers
twin towers

twin towers
twin towers

twin towers
twin towers

twin towers
twin towers

twin towers
twin towers